Beware haughty and contemptuous false prophets who insult and berate when you question their doctrines. These are emails from someone who wants to keep you out of paradise:
“And there will be no more death.”
Only The Eternal LORD ALMIGHTY- Alone- Started the Party since before Adam. And so obviously by process of deduction, ONLY The Eternal LORD ALMIGHTY- Alone- Does The Entire Judgment/Resurrection- The Whole Tamale- ALONE!-
Exactly because from that encroaching Hour onward, all will know beyond any doubt that with the same effect of gravity, reality, there somehow really must be a Living Eternal Almighty Creator that’s been running things daily since before the cognisant capacity for recorded human history.
It’s virtually a no brainer to figure out the glaringly obvious, dude.
Point is IT’s automatically going to be coming soon to a Theatre of Operations near you anyway.
It isn’t exactly Sophisticated Rocket Science to figure out the thoroughly grounded and glaringly obvious, boss!
Reality, like New Math and Science, isn’t any such religion one can afford to chose to believe in or not, Chief.
My reward, a sufficient degree of, “Paradise” is already with me.
Good luck…
Reference original email message at top of the page, Einstein.
Paradise requires no such crowd.
Who died and made you boss of Paradise, of The Judgment???
Ref: Isaiah 34 and 35
The Almighty, All Alone, will suddenly provide for an immediate model Eternal Paradise, of a scope and scale you can scarcely dream of.
Note how he claims to be enjoying paradise and then says we can scarcely imagine it. Which is it?
Basically he wants you to think that Jesus will just come and rescue you and you don’t have to do anything. Thus he feels very threatened by this web site, because it says that we must prepare the way for the messiah.
What would be his motivation? Probably because he feels he’s already living in paradise and doesn’t want to share. It’s very selfish.

34 replies on “Beware False Prophets”
They abuse and imprecate relentlessly:
You are great with the relentless insults, vitriol and name calling. But you violate Jesus’ command:
Yes we are living in paradise. Walmart has the garden of eden in it and more. Just look around you. If you are not living in heaven then you are in hell. And you want everyone else to join you.
You think you’re a prophet? You represent the people Jesus warned us about:
What are your fruits? You offer nothing but vitriol and empty promises.
Yes of course. And more than wine, honey and milk, there will also be chocolate and cheeseburgers. And if you repent of your sin and pride you are welcome to join us.
The judgment is nigh my friend. I hope you’ll repent of your insults and profanity and join us in righteousness.
Why do you feel so intimidated and threatened? You have only to repent and you can join us in paradise.
Not me. You? Don’t worry – you can just repent and you’ll be saved. Please keep up this correspondence. There is always hope.
But you’re not a prophet?
And the rapture has begun? And you’re in it?
Everyone can see that you are a false prophet-in-denial. Your scam is exposed. You’re not fooling anyone, and no one will try the same trick seeing what will happen to them.
Of course we can build a house, like we built Temples in the past. We must pave the way for paradise. You know it, which is why you are so angry with me. You are trying to stave off the day of judgment. You will fail. When the messiah arrives you will be caught with your pants down.
You are just a false prophet. You want to prevent paradise and stave off the great day of judgment. But it is happening, like it or not.
You don’t know justice. You only know abuse, vulgarity and vitriol.
You think you can stave off the day of judgment forever. But people can see how desperate you are. Your tricks are failing.
You’re obsessed with my web site because you know I’m right.
Yes but in order to get to paradise we must start creating it. Otherwise the messiah will be aghast when he arrives.
Of course, the purpose of Jesus’ message is for us to prepare for his return. That’s what I’m doing. What are you doing?
Yes and according to the parable of the talents, we must invest. Are you investing or are you burying your treasure under ground?
All of your biblical references confirm my point. We are paving the way for the messiah’s return. You are welcome to join us if you repent.
So you think you’re a prophet?
Anyway yes the lord will gather us from the corners of the earth and return us to Jerusalem. Meanwhile we can build our own little paradise right here in the USA.
You’ll be seeing it soon enough all by yourself.
Good luck.
Why are you so intimidated by my project? You don’t want to help fulfill God’s will?
We will also work to end social security and medicare. We’re tired of paying people like you to relentlessly insult us all day.
You are sleeping. You won’t be ready for the return.
Your agenda is to stave off the day of judgment to keep people out of paradise. You will fail.
No one would mistake you for a prophet.
Steve Rhan – scrhan60[at]
This obsession is disturbing. Why is he berating me with relentless curses?
The bilge continues:
He’s persistent. And a little scary.
The fact that you immediately resort to insults and vulgarity shows you’re wrong and you know it. No one’s buying your nonsense.
Yet you are compelled to respond to me. What gives?
You think I’m the only person capable of understanding your bonkers fantasy. Which may be true, but it’s still bonkers. No offense.
The relentless abuse continues:
I’ll explain it to you. It’s pretty simple. You did something terrible and now you are in deep denial. And you also don’t know who knows and who doesn’t know. So you created this elaborate religious fantasy for ‘plausible deniability’: when someone looks at you askance, you can think, “It’s not because of what I did, but my theology.”
But justice is coming and all will be revealed.
There is a way out – you can accept Jesus died for you!
I love you and you hate me.
See the difference?
The poor thing. He’s obsessed.
It’s simple and I lay it out on my web site. If you spoke the truth you would say it publicly. But you are ashamed because you’re wrong and you know it.
This guy is scary.
It continues:
Yes of course we must do the work while we can.
That’s what I’m doing. You’re just trying to get in the way.
If you genuinely believed I was lying you would say so publicly. But you’re wrong and you know it. What’s that called? Lying hypocrisy.
You berate me because you think I’m the only one who can understand your delusion. Maybe I can, but it’s still a delusion. No offense.
And you think I speak for Christians. When in fact Christians openly criticize me in the comments on my web site. As you can see for yourself. If you were honest you’d also publish a comment publicly – and argue with them not me.
But yes of course truth is coming for us all. Don’t get caught with your pants down.
The unhinged vitriol, threats and imprecations continue. 20 messages overnight, including:
What more do you want in paradise other than chocolate fountains?
Here’s a sample of today’s delusional bilge:
The relentless insults and curses work great in hell. But they won’t get you into heaven. Sorry bud. You will be left out in the cold watching everyone enjoy the chocolate fountains and other wonders of heaven. Is there anything else you’d like to reject?
The simple and obvious truth is that we must agree to the laws and then embrace them and then the Judgment will be upon us. And then we will no longer need government or police and everyone will ignore bullies like you. You are in deep denial.
The spewage of vitriol continues apace:
Your accusation of lying is preposterous. If you really believed I was lying you would post a comment publicly. A ‘lie’ is powerless without an audience. As usual you are guilty of what you accuse me of.
Plus you can’t even say what I’m allegedly lying about. You’re full of vitriol and fury because I’m right and you know it.
Wow projection much? Whatever you did, I’m scared for you. Payback’s a bitch.
Whatever you did, it must have been a doozy. And your refusal to repent is recorded here for the jury. It’s not going to be easy for you.
He spent the last 8 hours straight railing at me. Here’s a sample of the 20 emails:
You just spent the last 8 hours railing impotently at me. Obviously you need help. Join your local church. Talk to your kids, maybe they don’t hate you as much as you fear.
But it’s clear that you know I’m right. Heaven is here for all. The key is not to let bullies like you get us kicked out again. I appreciate the opportunity to keep you distracted from other mischief.
A 20 email long rant today (spanning 5 hours):
Some people are very threatened by this web site.
No one can make heads or tails of your rhants. Sorry to break it to you.
The country will not attain paradise through socialism. It must be from private charity. “The gateway is narrow.” Only those who repent will desire to enter. The rest will prefer to toil and scheme – like you.
Another 10 hour rant with dozens of emails, including these threats:
The incessant rhants continue:
I offer the opportunity to learn the word of God. What have you ever done for the downtrodden? Like I said, you are guilty of everything you accuse me of.
Of course you refuse to post publicly. You are terrified of the sunlight because it exposes your nonsense and delusions.
So obviously you think you’re the messiah. Haha good luck getting anyone to believe that. You also think the rapture has already happened. That’s wrong too. You also deny that a new heaven and earth are upon us. Wrong three.
You get wrong all the basic and fundamental facts. Can you get anything right?
Now commence another 12 hour long delusional rhant:
A selection from another 8 hour rhant:
You resort to insults, threats and curses because you have no real argument. That tactic works great in hell but fails miserably in heaven. All you can do is rave like a mad man. Meanwhile, thousands of people are discovering that the new heaven is already upon us. There’s nothing you can do to stop it.
Selections from a 3 hour mini rant:
Again you get it completely wrong. God gave us ‘bad’ laws and Jesus freed us from them:
“Such bad laws offend our modern sensibilities. People today look back at biblical strictures in horror and contempt. We consider them to be monstrous”
“Biblical law wasn’t meant to be perfect. How could it be? Its purpose was to breed a great people.”
“Jesus rescinded many of the ‘bad’ laws and ordinances, such as stoning for adultery and expanding the menu of edible foods.”
Another 6 hour threatening rhant:
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.” – Matthew 5:9
Who else was called a son of God?
THINK before you start clickety clacketing.
Insults and threats continue:
Your obsession with me is because you’re wrong and you know it.
The false prophet is a rich Gay guy if you fall for him the you stand for nothing..My name Dennis stagg aka killumanati Major,I write this in concern of my life being in jeperody and this Gangstalking harrassement,poisoning ,homosexuality has false imprisonment,torture has gotten so far out of hand I’m starting to become suicidal and homocidal.It started in Texas 8 years ago behind The Cia fbi Robert Khan Bob Martin David Patterson, Bob suffer Json and his brother John as well a federal judge was sleeping and using my kids mother as a sex slave and porn slave.Things started to concern me when my heart started to fail me.Do to there hidden agenda I’m cloned,kids missing and taken for what ever I get by the anonymous.I can’t deal with the with the health conditions a triple by pass 2 stents and bottled up anger from being neglected of help.I have 5 years or more of evidence that these people are molesters killers rapist and America terriost.this is just a few things to show foul play
Thanks for showing why medicare is an abomination.
Selections from a 12 hour rhant:
You are obsessed with me because you know I’m right and there’s nothing you can do about it other than snarl in the darkness. But everything will be brought to light. That’s what terrifies you. Every day brings the Judgment closer.
Selections from a 12 hour rhant:
“God made us to struggle for billions of years so that he could kill everyone and appoint me King Peeve to rule over the destruction.”
HAHA nah.
Selections from an 8 hour rhant:
If it’s true, it won’t be for much longer.
The relentless insults, threats and curses are continuing for over half a year. Every day brings hours of messages like this. This is what we get for funding social security and medicare.
You are compelled to persist in this campaign because you know that when you stop, your goodies will stop too.